Thursday, April 18, 2013



Amidst the number of job boards and career fairs available in today’s world, networking is still the best mechanism for landing jobs, according to Scott Greenhalgh, manager of Alumni Career Services. Statistics agree.

When Greenhalgh began working for the BYU Alumni Career Services more than 20 years ago, technology was a little different: boom boxes played the best music and Google hadn’t even been created. At that time, networking filled 80% of the jobs. (

Today, technology has drastically changed. Facebook, Twitter, email, and instant messaging among other social media are primary methods of communication. However, experts still claim that 80% of jobs are filled by networking. (

While we’ve changed our clothes and what we plug our headphones into, one of the standards we’ve maintained is the fact that physical connections with real people are key.

Greenhalgh travels the country meeting with representatives from numerous companies, such as AT&T, Discover, Exxon, Fidelity, KSL, Proctor and Gamble, Texas Instruments and many more. He recruits BYU alumni from each of these companies to sign up for the Alumni Mentoring Partnership (AMP). AMP acts as a diving board into the business world; it provides interested individuals with an instant connection in companies throughout the nation.

“We’ve learned that each of us can make a difference. We may not be able to do everything, but we can each do something. We have come to fully understand what Gandhi meant when he said “You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” We’re trying to live integrated lives, not isolated lives…and make a difference in the world around us,” said Warner Woodworth, global social entrepreneur and faculty member at the Marriott School of business…and BYU alumnus.

Still wondering what BYU connections can do for you? There are dozens of examples that demonstrate the benefit different connections can make.

Nobody wants to miss that kind of opportunity. It could change your life forever.